First Week Rapport-Building Activity

Try these Reflect and Share Cards with Your Students Students are starting to trickle back into the classroom. For many, they haven’t seen the inside of a classroom in over a year. My son, for instance, spent the entire school year at home. He starts school in less than a week, and I’m curious to see how he adjusts to spending the day in a classroom with peers. My son

Get to Know Your Students & Review Figurative Language with this Back to School Ice Breaker

Try this activity to get to know your students and review figurative language. For many teachers, the start of the school year not only means learning who your students are but also learning what your students know. If you’re looking for an activity that serves as a figurative language review, that gives you a writing sample, serves as an icebreaker activity, and builds classroom community, look no further. Since the

Classroom Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

It’s long past time we stop with the incessant rules in the classroom. The day before my first day of teaching a veteran teacher reminded me to have my rules set and ready to go. “You can always loosen up, but you can never tighten up,” she said, wagging her finger. While I do, mostly, agree with the idea of being a bit of a hardass at the start of