I started a blog. Here’s what you can expect.
July 9, 2021

Here we are. I’ve decided to start a blog.
It’s almost a year to the day that I submitted my resignation from teaching, and while I have no intentions of returning to the traditional in-person high school English classroom, teaching is definitely a passion of mine. I loved teaching high school English, even when I didn’t. While I won’t rehash the reasons why I left, (you can read more about that here) I will say that being able to teach and help teachers be more effective in their classrooms is really important to me.
So, what are you going to find here?
You’ll definitely find some teaching strategies and lesson ideas for the high school and college English classroom. I spent 13 years teaching and continue to stay abreast of what works and doesn’t in the classroom. I am always reading pedagogical texts (yes, I’m that much of a nerd), and I’m also an avid reader and like every English teacher, especially the really passionate ones, I can’t read a book without coming up with projects, essay prompts, and in-class activities to pair with whatever I’m reading. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
So, just teaching? No thanks.
While being an educator is a major component of my identity (maybe too much, but that’s a topic for another day), I also love books, movies, food, and cocktails. I love to play in the kitchen and while this will not become one of those obnoxious food blogs where I detail an adventure on the Italian countryside that inspired a Wednesday night dinner, I might, on occasion, post a food essay. I might also tell you about the books, TV, and film I’m consuming because I love talking about all those things, and well, a blog is a perfect place to just let loose.
I have a few food and cocktail experiments up my sleeve and when the kid goes back to school in the fall, I’ll have fewer distractions and time to go all Julie and Julia.
Finally, I’ll probably write about writing because that’s the most M.F.A. nonsense, and well, grad school traumatized me and now I can’t stop writing craft essays. It is what it is.
I hope you stick around, maybe sign up for my newsletter and try a new recipe or two or ten with me.