Episode 13 | Edits Are Complete…

On this week’s episode, Gloria talks about the editing and revision of the novel. She discusses her approach and strategies for tackling a big project like revising a novel. Gloria speaks about the pros and cons of procrastination (mostly the cons) and updates the audience on the status of the novel.

Episode 12 | Novel Edits, Round 1

What does feedback look like from an indie press editor? Find out this week when Gloria discusses her first round of edits. She reacts to the feedback and goes into some depth about the novel. She shares her tips for receiving feedback and how to apply it effectively. She also comes up with a plan for how she is going to address this round of revision.

Episode 11 | Lost in book marketing

On this week’s episode, Gloria discusses some of her research on marketing a novel. She explores the differences between what marketing might look like with one of the big five publishing houses and an indie press like the one publishing her novel, Unsolicited Press. She also discusses some of her research on developing a brand, what that might look like, and pinpointing her audience. Lastly, she develops a short-term plan

Episode 10 | Jenny Hubbard Interview

On this week’s episode Gloria interviews the lovely Jenny Hubbard, author of Paper Covers Rock and And We Stay. We learn about Jenny’s process, how she went about getting her novel published, what it’s like to have an agent, and the process and what expectations you might have when working with an editor. She also talks about getting back to the classroom and how it’s changed her writing. From this

Episode 9 | To MFA or not to MFA

On this week’s episode Gloria discusses the M.F.A. in creative writing. She breaks down her expectations when she started and what she wishes she knew when she was applying. She talks about the different types of programs, what to expect if you decide to pursue and M.F.A., and some of the pitfalls of this degree. She also talks about the academic job market and who might benefit from earning an

Episode 8 | What to do while you wait

This week Gloria gives a brief update on where she is with the manuscript. She also discusses what she is doing while she waits for edits from her editor at Unsolicited Press. She talks about establishing a writing routine, morning writing sessions, and squeezing writing into the pockets of her day. She discusses her process for submitting her work and gives some examples of resources. She also discusses the academic

Episode 7 | Revisions, Round 1

This week Gloria talks about her process of revising the novel manuscript. She talks about returning to the universe she made almost ten years ago and the surprising emotional journey of the revision process. She discusses the fear and vulnerability that comes with revising the manuscript and how she realized that she might need to revisit some of her older, completed pieces. She also talks about AWP, the fear and

Episode 6 | Leland Cheuk Interview

This week Gloria interviews Leland Cheuk, editor at 7.13 Books. 7.13 Books is one of the presses Gloria submitted her novel to, but she received a rejection. The conversation helps Gloria learn more about the process and why her novel didn’t quite make the cut with this press that publishes debut book. In the interview, Cheuk discusses his experience as a writer and how it has informed his work as